For many people, the aches produced by sore muscles are often a part of life. Individuals employed in physically demanding jobs or those partaking in exercise or athletics are often plagued by muscle tissue damage. Furthermore, the aging process typically renders the body’s physical components more susceptible to these everyday discomforts.

When such circumstances arise, afflicted subjects seek immediate relief. One such favored treatment is the application of natural soothing products.


The Benefits Of Using Natural Products

An appreciable percentage of people employ natural materials like herbs for sore muscles for certain notable reasons.

First, the products are relatively safe. Herbal pain-relieving substances are extracted from many well-known plants and trees. Natural ingredients often do not produce discernible side effects or carry the potential to become habit-forming as numerous discomfort-remediating preparations do. Additionally, natural ingredients are often capable of producing other important health benefits.


The Importance Of Addressing Sore Muscles

Painful muscles could limit one’s activities and, when discomfort is significant enough, could make performing routine actions, such as standing, bending, lifting or gripping even simple objects, and walking a challenge.

Furthermore, repeated incidents might suggest a more serious physical problem. Granted, engaging in any type of moderate to heavy work or exercise could possibly induce mild and temporary soreness and stiffness.

However, should these problems recur or worsen, the stricken subject may have the early stages of a more serious underlying condition. If not treated at such a stage, the problem could progress, lessening one’s quality of life and ultimately necessitating more aggressive treatment.


Recommended Herbs For Sore Muscles

Fortunately, several herbal extracts have yielded optimal results when employed to remediate muscle aches including:

  1. Cayenne
  2. Ginger
  3. Arnica
  4. Turmeric
  5. Comfrey Root
  6. St. Johns Wart
  7. CBD Extract


1. Cayenne

Cayenne pepper is well-known for its pain-fighting abilities. The product contains a substance known as capsaicin. Researchers have concluded the chemical naturally induces muscle relaxation. In response, the product has alleviated discomfort in subjects stricken with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.

The pepper version is quite spicy. Therefore, those with digestive conditions or who lack the desire to consume such strongly flavored foods might wish to utilize capsulized or topical preparations.


2. Ginger

Ginger contains important systemic byproducts called phytochemicals, which scientists have concluded reduce bodily inflammation. Inflammation often precipitates damage to muscle tissues and subsequent discomfort.

Those with painful joints have benefited from ginger ingestion. The product is available as a dietary supplement, in powdered, spiced form, and in beverages like ginger ale or beer.


3. Arnica

Another of the more popularly used herbs for muscle pain is arnica. Native to central Europe and Siberia, this flower extract is said to possess anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and pain-remediating properties. Ergo, the substance has found success in treating osteoarthritis.

Arnica can be found in edible products, such as baked goods, frozen dairy delicacies, candy, and various beverages.


4. Turmeric

The spice turmeric contains a powerful chemical called curcumin. Scientific examiners have concluded that this chemical possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties. The preparation is even recommended as a natural remedy for arthritis pain.

That said, long-term or excessive ingestion of turmeric could prove detrimental for persons with digestive problems or gallbladder disease.


5. Comfrey Root

This shrub extract has been used for medicinal purposes dating back thousands of years. The product is rife with chemicals like allantoin and rosmarinic acids. These materials are powerful anti-inflammatory agents.

Typically available in topical cream form, comfrey has been employed to alleviate symptoms associated with muscle sprains and joint inflammation.


6. St. Johns Wart

St. Johns Wart is used to treat a variety of mental and physical health issues. This botanical can be used as a muscle relaxant and an anti-inflammatory to reduce muscle pain and swelling. It also can help fight nerve pain, tension and can help to heal bruises and wounds.


7. CBD Hemp Extract

CBD hemp extract is extracted from the controversial plant known as cannabis. That said, the infamous herb contains more than 100 potentially valuable and health-boosting chemicals called cannabinoids. Several of these materials are considered effective in addressing pain because they block brain receptors needed to process discomfort.

At Onyx Mana, our full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures are made to help those who are experiencing joint pain. Using CBD and other botanicals, our products are created to help those looking for muscle pain relief. To reduce muscle pain, try our CBD-infused Shea Butter.